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Supporting carers during covid-19

COVID-19 is adding a heightened level of difficulty and pressure for carers who are often already managing competing and constant demands. Juggling their own expectations about performance at work and home while managing the requirements of colleagues and caring responsibilities for this unknown period is stressful and exhausting.

In response, we have developed a 1 hour virtual group session to help you get through it. The group dynamic gives you the opportunity to discuss the challenges you are managing with other carers like you and share and gain solutions/tips to help make it work better.


Our 1-hour sessions give carers the opportunity to:

  • Talk openly about the issues of being a carer during COVID-19 with other carers like them from your organisation.
  • Share and gain strategies and solutions about what works in combining work and home to build confidence and competence in both during this extremely challenging time.
  • Build a relevant support network within the organisation to draw on when needed both during and after the session.

For more information about how our programmes for carers can help contact us