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Come Back Webinar – Supporting a Return to Work

How Do You Do It are working with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) to support their Come Back community, encouraging people back to the profession.  The Institute know that many people leave around the time of having children and have been undertaking work to support parents who wish to return.

On 7 June, How do You Do It ran a one-hour webinar, ‘What about the Dads?’ for this community. With nearly 70% of couples combining their dual roles of career and carer, it is important to consider fathers as well as mothers. Many fathers have, or are considering, taking time away from work to fulfil their caring responsibilities.  Returning to work following a period of leave can be challenging, transitioning from being a working professional to a working parent juggling joint responsibilities and personal aspirations.

The webinar focused on how to manage an effective return and how to successfully address the challenges of life as a working father.  Have a look at the webinar by using this link.

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