A game changer for gender equity
Making hybrid working a norm – a game-changer for gender equity
Our CEO, Virginia Herlihy was delighted to join Cecilia Crossley, founder of From Babies with Love for an episode of their ‘How HR Leaders Change the World‘ podcast series. In the episode, Virginia shared learnings from working with organisations for the past 15 years on creating more gender-equitable and inclusive work cultures and some of the key opportunities she sees for HR leaders to shape the future look of businesses. The discussion included the critical role HR leaders have to play in ensuring the move to hybrid working delivers on its potential to dramatically improve gender parity at work.
Click play on the soundbite below for a sample of the content. To hear Virginia’s full episode search How HR Leaders Change the World on your favourite podcast platform, join From Babies With Love via How HR Leaders Change the World where you’ll find all the episodes and podcast platform links, or simply click on the green button below. https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/20346563/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/no/direction/backward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/88AA3C/
About From Babies with Love
Connecting with colleagues on parental leave is a challenge, but feeling valued and engaged is critical to retention, and in turn gender balance. From Babies with Love helps solve this challenge; it offers beautiful parental leave gifts and donates 100% of its profit to orphaned and abandoned children. The story of how your gift celebrates your colleague and at the same time helps a less fortunate child creates poignant engagement, supporting retention of diverse talent in your company.
Transforming what is commonly existing, ad-hoc spend, partnering with From Babies with Love turns your parental leave gifting into a strategic part of your Gender Strategy and tangibly communicates your values in a truly meaningful way.
Make an impact, at a defining moment.