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Managing a hybrid team guide

As more and more organisations formalise their hybrid working policies and more employees express a desire to work from home for at least part of the week, the importance of knowing how to effectively manage a hybrid team is clear.   We were delighted to partner with the Diversity Project and Remote Kontrol to develop a practical guide for managers of hybrid teams that looks at some of the different challenges leaders may face and how to set up a hybrid team to work collaboratively and thrive.

Covering the process from setting a team up for success to building a culture that works over the longer term, this short guide includes topics such as

  • understanding your own biases as a manager
  • understanding your management style and what may need to change
  • role modelling what you want from your team
  • where to go to seek support
  • thinking about outputs rather than location
  • Getting the tech and onboarding right
  • balancing the needs of the organisation and the individual
  • ensuring everyone has a voice and can contribute
  • avoiding presenteeism bias
  • maintaining your own welfare as a manager

You can download the full guide for managers of hybrid teams here

You can watch this webinar which introduces the guide and some of the key themes and learnings that were considered when writing it. https://www.youtube.com/embed/yqCp0LWDfhs

Or see our case study, showing how we supported managers at a leading investment management organisation to embed a hybrid working culture.

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