New e-learning courses
We are thrilled to announce the launch of 3 new e-learning courses to complement our flagship group coaching programmes. The courses are designed to act as an introduction to a topic or a refresher for people who have previously undertaken our face to face programmes. The courses can also help clients who are looking to increase the numbers of people in their organisation who have access to coaching support.
Including case studies, quizzes, and downloadable resources, each e-learning course provides a highly interactive introduction to the topic, highlighting common challenges and practical solutions aimed directly at the target audience.
Pre-parental leave e-learning course.
Our short e-learning course for people preparing for parental leave provides a practical snapshot to support the planning and implementation of a positive transition from working person to working parent.
To find out more download our course overview here or take a look at our short demo with highlights of the e-learning module.
Managing working parents
This e-learning course provides an interactive overview for managers seeking to understand the challenges working parents in their team may face and practical strategies for supporting them.
To find out more download our course overview here or take a look at our short demo with highlights of the e-learning module.
Managing flexible teams
There has been a huge increase in the numbers of people working flexibly and this is set to grow. This course is designed to help managers effectively manage teams with flexible workers, for the benefit of the individuals, the wider team and the business.
To find out more download our course overview here or take a look at our short demo with highlights of the e-learning module.
If you’d like to find out more about how our e-learning modules could complement your coaching support programmes please do contact us.