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We were first introduced to DaddiLife and the incredible community for dads they have created when the eye-opening and thought-provoking  Millennial Dad at Work report was launched. Here we catch up with founder Han-Son Lee to find out more.

What is DaddiLife?

DaddiLife is a platform for modern-day fatherhood and a community of over 140,000 modern-day dads. We cover the breadth of parenting – all specifically for dads – across the UK and other parts of the world too.

Why did you set it up and why do you think it is important?

There has been a tremendous generational shift when it comes to modern-day fathers, who are breaking free of previous clichés of ‘lazy fatherhood’ or being the secondary parent and are in fact becoming more active, more involved parents. I certainly found that when I became a parent there were a wealth of resources targeted at mums but actually very little for me that spoke directly to the experience of being a dad. This felt like a real gap and the speed with which the DaddLife community has grown has shown this to be the case.

Our work captures a modern-day attitude of; Dads don’t babysit. It’s just called parenting.

As such you’ll find the whole gamut of modern-day fatherhood on the platform – everything from Pre-Birth knowledge, through to health, lifestyle, work, education and even Camping with the kids!

How quickly has it grown and what have you seen change in that time?

DaddiLife was born 3 years ago and has grown to a platform and community re-framing the way modern-day dads are seen and interacted with. Even though this equalisation of parenting is happening increasingly across UK homes, one area that hasn’t caught up as quickly is with the experience of dads at work.

Earlier this year we published The Millennial Dad at Work –  a research programme in partnership with Deloitte and over 2000 working dads aged 24-40 across the UK. It delivered a comprehensive study of the work/life balance issues affecting today’s generation of dads at work. What the research very clearly showed was how involved Millennial fathers are with parenting but also how the battle for flexible work for all is far from won and the conflict this creates for today’s dads.

As a result, one area of change we’re now campaigning for is a greater awareness of flexible working for dads, as a key enabler for thriving families as a whole and a must-have for employers looking to attract and keep Millennial parents.

To find out more visit DaddiLife  or find us on Facebook

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