Equality Starts at Home
Our vision is of a world in which equality at home is a reality for all.
Our mission is to shift mindsets and change behaviours to enable a greater sharing of the care, emotional and domestic responsibilities
Equality Starts at Home (ESAH) is a charity which is driving a movement of change committed to committed to improving equality in the home space. Globally there is a major imbalance of unpaid household work done by women. The unpaid work done by women globally, if paid at minimum wage, would be worth $10.8 trillion (as cited in the New York Times in 2020). We believe that this hold women back and prevents them reaching their full potential. We believe that a more equal sharing of household responsibilities would benefit all genders as household tasks would no longer be decided along gender lines. We believe equality at home would result in a kinder, fairer society.
We work to raise awareness of inequality in the home space through events and campaigns. We also aim to change the structures and systems that perpetuate inequality by partnering with like minded organisations challenging the status quo and driving change in policies. We support actions around improving access to shared parental leave, affordable childcare costs and equality of opportunity and take up of flexible working. We also provide a ‘one stop-shop’ of resources, tools and guidance to enable individuals and families to improve equality in their homes. This includes a unique household balance quiz which allows people to assess the work they do in the home and determine a percentage – this is a great objective conversation starter for people seeking a better balance in the home.
For more information please click the link About ESAH (www.equalitystartsathome.org)