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The Hidden Burden: Shedding Light on Unpaid Work and the Mental Load

What have we found is the reason for there being such an imbalance in unpaid work at home?

Supporting the progression and retention of working parents in a top 25 UK Law Firm

We have been working with a top 25 UK law firm since 2016 to provide…

Thinking broadly about wellbeing

In the UK, it is National Work Life Week, ‘an opportunity for both employers and…

International Men’s Day 2022

A leap forward in mindset, baby steps in behavioural change In the lead-up to International…

Tackling parental guilt, judgement and more

Guilt, judgement, boundaries, learning to say no, and more – tips for tackling some of…

Guide to supporting working parents

Having worked with many organisations and coached thousands of working parents and their managers, How…

Supporting working carers

Supporting working carers – a guide for employers How Do You Do It have been…

Supporting managers of hybrid teams – Investment management case study

Investment management – hybrid working case study. In this case study, we look at our…

Managing a hybrid team guide

As more and more organisations formalise their hybrid working policies and more employees express a…

How do our courses help working parents?

How do our courses help working parents? Here we share a few clips of quotes…