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Tips for making it work

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Tackling parental guilt, judgement and more

Guilt, judgement, boundaries, learning to say no, and more – tips for tackling some of…

How do our courses help working parents?

How do our courses help working parents? Here we share a few clips of quotes…

Setting boundaries at work and home

Understanding the parameters of your life at work and home Setting boundaries at work and…

Managing hybrid teams – time to show managers some love

Why it is time to show managers some love Managing hybrid working At the start…

Returning to work – 5 key elements for talent retention

We are thrilled to partner with From Babies With Love to develop a ‘5 key…

A game changer for gender equity

Making hybrid working a norm – a game-changer for gender equity Our CEO, Virginia Herlihy…

Reflections on caring responsibilities

I am what is commonly called part of the “sandwich generation”. My husband and I…

Why should flexible working be the norm?

Today, Friday 19th June, the charity Working Families is encouraging us to join together to…

McKinsey Report – A blueprint for remote working.

McKinsey Report – A blueprint for remote working: Lessons from China With the general instruction…

Is kindness killing the career chances of working parents?

We work with a lot of managers helping them with how to best support the…

Are you focusing on doing your job too well to progress?

The well-known PIE model from Harvey Coleman’s book Empowering Yourself: The organisational game revealed, suggests…

Navigating the working parent, school holiday conundrum

There is no escaping it, the school holidays are definitely on the horizon and that…